St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral
Brooklyn, New York
كاتدرائية القديس نقولاوس العجائبي الأنطاكية الأرثوذكسية
بروكلين، يورك
Cathedral Bowling Night

Please join us on Friday, May 5th for our first ever Cathedral bowling night at Ft. Hamilton Bowling Alley from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. The cost is $20.00 for adults and $10.00 for ages 5-11. Under 6 are free. That includes bowling and food for everyone. Please make checks payable to St. Nicholas Cathedral and give them to Fr. Thomas or Khourieh Claudia. Because it is on the army base, we must have all names by April 10th so please let Khourieh Claudia know and give your checks by Palm Sunday along with the paper work (due to security clearance). Bowling Flier.

Paper to complete for security clearance.

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11:00am Royal Hours
3:00pm Great Vespers of the taking-down from the Cross
7:00 Lamentations Service (Orthros of Great and Holy Saturday) with procession




10:00am Vesper-Divine Liturgy of the Descent into Hades and reception of catechumens into the Church. 
10:00pm Nocturne, Rush Service (Hajme), Paschal Orthroos and Paschal Divine Liturgy 
Fast: wine & oil

St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral
355 State Street; Brooklyn, NY 11217-1705
Detailed Map

Parish News
  • New St. Nicholas Notification Text Group
    Please join our new text reminder group for last minute notifications, changes of schedules, deaths, etc. This will be used sparingly. Please send a text to 81010 to join and put the following in the

St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral
355 State Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217-1705
(718) 855-6225 (Phone)
(718) 855-3608 (Fax)


Mailing List

If you would like to join our mailing list to be notified of upcoming events, schedule changes or cancellations, deaths in the parish, etc. please fill out the following form.
